Our Expertise
Fluid Dynamics
Numerous technological products (air conditioners, cars, wind turbines & drones - to name just a few) require fundamental understanding of fluid dynamics.
The fundamentals of acoustics are essential to understanding the operation principles pertaining to a wide range of everyday devices - from wind instruments to wireless earphones and from hearing aids to ultra-sound proximity sensors.
Heat Transfer
Heat transfer plays an important role in practically all power consuming devices/products. Design criteria of such products will typically include appropriate means of heat disposal in order to prevent device elements from overheating.
Chemical Reactions
The operation principle of a wide range of technological products is based on chemical reactions. This is the case, for example, in combustion engines, batteries and water filters.
Structural Mechanics
The Structural Mechanics aspect of a product-design process relates either to structural integrity pertaining to the product or to the optimal utilisation of a constituent mechanical element (e.g., diaphragm, cantilever etc.).
Electricity & Magnetism
Most technological devices include some sort of electromagnetic component, such as an electric motor, integrated circuit or battery.
Fluid Dynamics
Numerous technological products (air conditioners, cars, wind turbines & drones – to name just a few) require fundamental understanding of fluid dynamics.
Such products may involve low Reynolds number flows (e.g., microfluidic medical devices) or high Reynolds number flows (e.g., wind turbines), they may involve Newtonian flows or complex-fluids flows (e.g., suspension inhalers).
At Moriah Scientific Consulting we combine deep theoretical knowledge with 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations in order to provide our clients with comprehensive quantitative information regarding the fluid dynamical aspect of their product.

The fundamentals of acoustics are essential to understanding the operation principles pertaining to a wide range of everyday devices – from wind instruments to wireless earphones and from hearing aids to ultra-sound proximity sensors.
At Moriah Scientific Consulting we provide our customers with both qualitative consultation regarding optimal acoustic design of internal spaces, and quantitative, simulation-based information on the design and performance of acoustic devices.

Heat Transfer
Heat transfer plays an important role in practically all power consuming devices/products. Design criteria of such products will typically include appropriate means of heat disposal in order to prevent device elements from overheating. Optimizing heat transfer solutions requires fundamental knowledge of the three means of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation.
At Moriah Scientific Consulting we utilize multi-physics computational software that combines heat transfer with other relevant physical mechanisms (e.g., fluid flow, electricity) in order to convey a comprehensive picture of the temperature field during device operation. This enables us to investigate optimal design parameters and operation conditions for our customers’ products.

Chemical Reactions
The operation principle of a wide range of technological products is based on chemical reactions. This is the case, for example, in combustion engines, batteries and water filters. The chemical reactions taking place in these products are generally coupled with other physical mechanisms, such as flow, heat transfer and electrical currents.
At Moriah Scientific Consulting we utilize 3D multi-physics simulations that provide our customers with a detailed, quantitative picture of the interplay between chemical reactions and other physical processes involved in the operation of their product. By investigating product performance for different sets of governing parameters (e.g., species concentrations, flow conditions) we are thus able to suggest ways to optimize/enhance our clients’ product performance.

Structural Mechanics
The Structural Mechanics aspect of a product-design process relates either to structural integrity pertaining to the product or to the optimal utilisation of a constituent mechanical element (e.g., diaphragm, cantilever etc.).
Structural integrity is a prime concern when developing a product, regardless of its purpose. In particular, the ability of a device to withstand external mechanical loads and intrinsic thermal stresses will determine its longevity.
Optimal utilisation of a mechanical element, such as a cantilever used in a MEMS device or a thin plate used as a flexible diaphragm in an audio device (microphone or speaker), is an important ingredient in the design process, which ensures the device performs efficiently.
At Moriah Scientific Consulting we use extensive 3D numerical simulations that allow for a detailed investigation and depiction of strain and stress fields resulting either from external loads applied to the device or internal stresses (e.g., thermally induced). In addition, Moriah Scientific Consulting provides fatigue and crack propagation analysis, both under steady and cyclic loading.

Electricity & Magnetism
Most technological devices include some sort of electromagnetic component, such as an electric motor, integrated circuit or battery. Integrating theses components into the device requires a thorough examination of related consequences, such as heat production or induced mechanical stresses, which may influence the performance and longevity of the product.
At Moriah Scientific Consulting we use a multi-physics approach, based on rigorous 3D numerical simulations, in order to examine these aspects and provide our clients with a broad insight into the overall performance as well as the mutual interaction between the different constituents comprising the product.

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